
Coronavirus / Covid-19 Information - 

Thank you for you continued support during the Coronavirus Pandemic. 

Face coverings are welcomed

Please do not ask us to provide a sick note if you are self isolating

Employees in self-isolation need to follow their workplace’s usual sickness reporting process.

Employees can 'self-certify' for the first 7 days off work. This means following their workplace process but not having to get a note from a doctor or NHS 111.

Those self-isolating due to coronavirus for more than 7 days can get an online self-isolation note from the NHS website;

Or print the form below, complete and give to your employer

Covid-19 Statement to employer re Med3.doc

Please do not ask us to provide a letter about exemption from wearing a face covering. This is not a requirement and is a waste of clinical resources.

If you wish to carry a card there are DIY versions available as below;

Covid Face Covering Exemption Cards

Many thanks

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